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BellaOnline's Natural Living Editor

 E D I T O R   P I C K S  

Here are the Editor's Picks articles for the Natural Living Site! These are the top ten articles that your Natural Living Editor feels are most important for you to read. Enjoy!

1. Natural Valentine's Day Gift Ideas
Valentine's Day is a celebration of love, and it also offers you a way to show the people in your life how much you appreciate them. You don't need to ignore the environment in the process, though! This article highlights gift ideas that are ethical and good for the environment.

2. Health Benefits of Raw Chocolate
Although it may seem like a decadent treat, raw chocolate is actually good for you! Learn all about the amazing health benefits of raw chocolate so that you can eat some without the guilt.

3. Natural Herbs for Digestion
Are you looking for natural solutions for your digestion? No matter what your issue is, these herbs can help. Read on to find out more, and be sure to consult with your doctor.

4. How to Have a Natural Home
Having a natural home is something that should be on everyone's to-do list. This article offers easy tips and strategies that will help you make the changes need to live as naturally as possible.

5. Basic Guide to Starting Seeds for Planting
When spring approaches, it is time to start planning your garden. Rather than buy the plants from a greenhouse, why not start you own from seed? That way, you can make sure your garden is healthy and organic.

6. Detoxifying and Cleansing Foods
Did you overindulge? The good news is that it isn't hard to get back on track. These foods are a great juice because they're both cleansing and nutritious.

7. Favorite Natural Coffee Alternatives
Are you thinking of giving up coffee but are afraid you'll miss the flavor and the way it makes you feel? There are different coffee alternatives that are worth trying instead, each for various reasons. This article covers some of your better options.

8. Natural Strategies to Help You Sleep
Do you typically have trouble falling asleep? It's true that you can use sleeping pills, but this isn't necessarily good for you. These natural strategies are an excellent alternative!

9. Recipe for Natural Homemade Granola
Granola is a great food to have on hand because you can eat it for breakfast, as a snack, use it as a topping for ice cream, yogurt, and pudding, and more. It's also good for you. The problem is, store bought granola can be filled with sugar and fat. It's much better to make it yourself!

10. 5 Ways to Live Naturally
It's no secret that living a natural lifestyle is good for you. However, implementing the changes needed to live this way can be overwhelming. This article offers tips on some easy things you can do to have a more natural lifestyle.

Be sure to visit the Natural Living Archives for all the articles!


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Healthy and Natural Gift Ideas

5 Herbs to Grow in Your Garden

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